Sara Kast – Miss Pakistan National 2022

Sara Kast - Miss Pakistan National 2022
Sara Kast – Miss Pakistan National 2022

Congratulations on getting the title of Miss Pakistan National 2022. With this title what do you think you would want to achieve? 

Personally, I hope to change the view towards Pakistan and Pakistanis in the world: Of course, as every other country in this world Pakistan is facing political and social difficulties. But there are so many beautiful aspects about the nation and the people. I want the world to see this as well! 

Miss Pakistan National 2022 - Sara Kast
Miss Pakistan National 2022 – Sara Kast

Can you tell us a little bit about your background? 

My mother is German, my father comes from Lahore. I spent most of my life in Germany. After I graduated from school I settled in the North of Germany, near the Baltic Sea. Last year I finished my Bachelor studies in Biology. Last September I moved to Vienna (Austria) to get a master degree in Zoology  

At the age of 14 I spent one month in France. I still try to go there regularly and keep in touch with my host family.  

As Miss Pakistan, there is a big responsibility of representing Pakistan in international competitions. How are you going to prepare for it? 

Since I started competing in Miss Pakistan World, I watched many beauty pageant videos to see how other competitors show their strengths. That’s what I want to work on: What are my strengths and qualities and how can I present those best?  

Miss Pakistan National 2022 - Sara Kast
Miss Pakistan National 2022 – Sara Kast

What is your advocacy? 

Saving the planet is a main reason why I studied Biology and why I study Zoology now! There is no planet B! 

I mean how many generations lived on this planet before us? And how many might follow us? We decide how we leave this planet behind for all those who are yet to be born! 

In order to protect this planet, it is crucial to understand nature and diversity. I personally want to get knowledge about that and then the next step is to share this knowledge. In my opinion those who see the beauty of nature are more motivated to protect it.)  

I would like to ask everyone to do little steps to live more sustainable: Do you really need a new shirt or could it be second hand? Do you always want to eat meat – there are so many tasty vegetarian dishes as well! Switch off the light when you leave the room! And pay attention where you leave your waste – it could end up threatening the life of an animal! 

Miss Pakistan National 2022 - Sara Kast
Miss Pakistan National 2022 – Sara Kast

Are you passionate about any charitable projects? Or are you involved in any charity? 

When I went to Lahore last year, I had the opportunity to meet Sabir from the “Slumabad” organization. In his schools he gives children from the street the chance of a better future. Their parents collect waste to survive and, the kids have to work as well for one meal a day at home! Thanks to “Slumabad” they have the chance to get a better job as a more educated person than their parents. This is an amazing project I think that especially children are not only the future of the country they live in – every child is the future of the whole world! 


What has triggered your aspiration to participate in Miss Pakistan World and who had been your biggest inspiration in this journey? 

I think the experience in the slums of Lahore last year made me understand that I want to have a voice in this world and I want to speak up for those who can’t! 

A fascinating Pakistani woman is of course Fatima Jinnah, the mother of the country. She was an educated and studied person and did not stay the sister of… Instead, she played a leading role in the All Pakistan Women’s Association which stands for empowering women. 

Another strong and inspiring woman is Waris Dirie. She started her career as a model. Finally, she spoke up about her own fate and her fight against Female Genital Mutilations goes on since more than 20 years. 

You are a student at the moment, so how are you preparing for all your future activities?  

As you can never be completely prepared for the future I focus on my dreams and strength and then just give all my heart and soul in whatever I do. 

Right now, I focus mainly on my studies and invest 120%! My study is the basis for my future work as a scientist and I want to be prepared as good as possible.  

In order to be able to engaged properly in ecological projects I need to collect as much information about our earth as possible and I do so through my studies. Only if I am educated about sustainability and ecological aspects I can help and teach others. 

Miss Pakistan National 2022 - Sara Kast
Miss Pakistan National 2022 – Sara Kast

You have already been chosen for some international competitions representing Pakistan, are you ready for the competition?  

Can you ever be ready for such a journey? But I am ready to give my best! I have the dream to support children to have better future. To achieve that I will go straight forward and use the chances I have. Whatever this journey might look like, I need to take it. 

What advice do you have for other young girls like yourself to participate in these contests? 

Believe in yourself, love yourself and love the life you live! Don’t let society tell you what beauty is. It is far more important to beautiful from the inside! Inner beauty radiates a much stronger energy than just a pretty face and will make people notice you.